Hi there~~ !

How is it going?

As some of you know my name is Fatima and I'm a nineteen years old girl.
Hope you like my site and enjoy it the same way I'll do when I'll write stuff on it.

Most of you must be wondering what the objective of this blog is. I found the idea of creating a English blog really interesting and wanted to take an advantage of it. This time, the thematic of the blog is going to be a mix between a self-improvement project and a diary.

Hope you keep on reading me from today!

I won't be bored nor won't make you sleep either. I promise!

(sorry for not having time to explain the reason why I named the blog tsukichou! I will soon ><)

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Quien soy yo

Mi foto
Estudiante de traducción e interpretación. Probablemente la persona más torpe que puedas conocer y que más horas duerme cuando tiene la ocasión haciéndole así la competencia a Penélope Cruz. Alias: pequeña marmota.

Pieces of my mind Design by Insight © 2009