This is going to be a short update. Well... as all of you know, tonight is a special night. Some people celebrate the famous Halloween night.
It's the first time I celebrate it and.. well, it was funny. I felt just as If I was in the middle of a very warm environment. Everyone was smiling and having fun.
Furthermore.. It's the first time I show my absolutely sincere personality to my friends and.. I'm still shocked, because everyone hugged me and gave me kisses -don't ask me the reason because even I can't understand it, and I can tell you that no one was drunk- The world is crazy. Maybe as crazy as my mind is. I mean, everyone liked me just as I am, .. xD I can't give you too much details because it's a bit embarrassing and I don't want my English teacher to have a weird image of me. I just can tell you that tonight I became a very bad girl . Ar.. well, nevermind.
I wish I could be that self confident whenever I wanted to.
I'll upload some pictures of my costume over here as soon as I can. However let me tell you that you'll shake of fear guys. I looked truly firghtening. Even I got scared when I saw myself in the mirror.
Aand.. I don't know what else I can write here.. it's really late o(><)o mmmh... oh! Yesterday I meet a new friend.. It was really funny and nice. I enjoyed the afternoon but there was something weird. I can't explain it.. I don't know how to. D= well anyways, nevermind . I'm just too sleepy to think about how to express my thoughts.
It's a bit late and I just wanted to wish you a very happy and frightening halloween! have nice nightmares~~!
Today I haven't too much things to say. This weekend has been awsome but a bit cold. Winter is coming. I'm a little bit sleepy so today's update is going to be short. I would like to tell you lots of things about saturday's day, but I'm keeping it as a secret till the 20th november ^-^
Well.. however, I think I'm falling in love with Tae Yang's songs. I can't stop from listening to his voice and watching his cool dancing movements. This dance is really simple, but pretty expressive and cute. I think I just like it and I would like to share it with you tonight guys. Here you have Taeyang's "I Need Girl" music video featuring G-Dragon and Sandara Park of 2NE1 (even if most of you have already watched it):
Too much romanticism to be me, right? no way... I think I need a bit of rock music in my daily life. Can't spend all my life listening just k-pop as I've lately been doing. It's been long since I don't listen to that kind of music. I think I'm missing too much things!
I'll keep on writting here, so please keep on reading me. Tomorrow I'll write more stuff over here~~ !
Good night to everyone P.S. I wonder how kimchi fried rice's flavor is...
First of all, let me apologize for aaaaaall my orthographic and my veeery veery big grammatical faults. Please try to understand me, I'm still studying English, I'm Spanish and my level isn't high enough to be writting stuff on this blog D: (futhermore I'm too lazy to use a dictionary while I'm writting XD)
Anyway.. let's start this update! Today I'd like to talk about self-confidence.
"Interviewer: What makes you feel the sexiest?
- I think when you are confident by yourself... -Yeah! you can be sexy anywhere, no matter what are you wearing. -Yes -If you believe in what you are wearing and in who you are, then you know, you get that sexy build going on. -Yes, self confidence is very sexy.*laughs* "
I've heard those words in an interview on . The interviewed people were four young artists from the EEUU called Jazmin Sisters.
I've always been afraid of showing too much self-confidence, but it looks that many artist from many different entretainment companies use that image to commercialize. And some of those companies are really really really succesfull all over the world. Does self confidence really make you look more attractive to other people? Think about the answer while you're watching this video:
I want to give you an example of the self confidence I'm trying to talk about. It's the lastest single of 2ne1 which is called "Clap your hands" (they're actually one of my favourite corean music/dancers band ^^):
Their confidence makes them look really cool, doesn't it? then.. how about the question? Have you got a clear answer? Here I have it: Self-confidence is a key to succes in our daily lifes.
People who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful. Futhermore let me tell you that self-confident people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and their friends. And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.
If you believe in yourself, things get easier and you can easily get what you want. If you truly think "If I try my best, I'm definetly going to get my objective" the probabilities to get your objective increase.
However, let's stop and think about what self- confidence is in first place. Which definition would you give to that expression? I've been seeking on the net and found this one, which I really liked "What is Self-Confidence?
"Self-confidence is essentially an attitude which allows us to have a positive and realistic perception of ourselves and our abilities. It is characterised by personal attributes such as assertiveness, optimism, enthusiasm, affection, pride, independence, trust, the ability to handle criticism and emotional maturity.
Two main things contribute to self-confidence: self-efficacy and self-esteem." When we talk about self efficacy, we're talking about getting our objectives successfully. In fact, I'm refering to realistic objectives. I think that setting realstic objectives and getting them can increase our self-confidence. Even if some of those objectives are not met, those with confidence continue being positive, they keep on believing in themselves and accepting their current limitations with renewed energy. However, having high self-confidence does not mean they will be able to do everything they want! Remember that human aren't perfect machines, but confident people keep on being positive and that attitude makes gets their goals closer to be successful.
And obviously, loving ourselves is the most important point to get that self-confidence.
Self-esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. It is based upon how you perceive your value as a person based on your experience.
Unfortunately, your self-confidence isn't something you can get in 5 minutes. It's a slow process... but it's not something impossible to get. If you're patient you can become a really bright person.
I'll include you a very interesting link to a website where it's shortly explained how to get self confidence. I've read it all and found it really interesting. Just have a look when you'll have some free time: This website is better than the one I've just sent you, but it takes longer to read:
Be careful and do not confuse being condifent with "feeling that I'm the best". It's not the same. And also take care of not falling in perfeccionism world, it won't let you advance on your objectives, and it's really hard to leave that planet, trust me.
In short, self confience is necessary and indispensable and 2ne1 are really cool. =D thanks a lot for reading me! (If someone really did)
Homework, homework and more homework to do since I've started studying in that college. I've always thought that being all long day busy is great, but sometimes students need a BREAK.
And that's what I did this weekend, I looked forward to breathe and stayed out with my friends. I went to a birthday party and I enjoyed it as long as I could. We took some pictures as you can see. ^^
My friends and me (pink dress ) (why do I always look that bad when someone takes me a picture?! T_T )
Guillem & me :3
Everybody smiles in the party~~
Do you want to know what was the most I liked of those pictures? The monkey who is saying hello there <3. It was super duper cute.. I wonder how my birthday will be this year. I mean, I've lost contact with lots of friends, and maybe this year... maybe it's gonna be sad. Who knows. I wish I could celebrate it in another country *o* woaah! It would be awsome!
I promised you I wouldn't make you feel bored and I think I'm doing so, I'm a very bad person =D
There was something else I wanted to say... I'm planning to change my horrible look but I still can't decide my new hairstyle.. Any advices? = D
oh hell, it's actually 01:00 , and tomorrow I have to wake up early in the morning. Sorry guys, but today It's enough!
Talk to you soon.
Have nice dreaaaams~~ !!
P.S. sorry for my today's stupid update, I'll try to make next one better = D nd also sorry for my very ridiculous faults!
As some of you know my name is Fatima and I'm a nineteen years old girl. Hope you like my site and enjoy it the same way I'll do when I'll write stuff on it.
Most of you must be wondering what the objective of this blog is. I found the idea of creating a English blog really interesting and wanted to take an advantage of it. This time, the thematic of the blog is going to be a mix between a self-improvement project and a diary.
Hope you keep on reading me from today!
I won't be bored nor won't make you sleep either. I promise!
(sorry for not having time to explain the reason why I named the blog tsukichou! I will soon ><)
Estudiante de traducción e interpretación.
Probablemente la persona más torpe que puedas conocer y que más horas duerme cuando tiene la ocasión haciéndole así la competencia a Penélope Cruz.
Alias: pequeña marmota.
Estudiante de traducción e interpretación.
Probablemente la persona más torpe que puedas conocer y que más horas duerme cuando tiene la ocasión haciéndole así la competencia a Penélope Cruz.
Alias: pequeña marmota.