How are you doing? Today I am truly angry. I feel just as If I wanted to kill everyone alive on this damn planet.
I spent a few hours waiting at a hospital, what for? Nothing. The doctor didn’t help me at all. Moreover, today I couldn’t listen to my beloved music because my mp4 player has been stolen. In addition to this: some of the plans I made for next week have just been ruined … Gooooooooosh! (At this moment, I’m listening to a Big Bang song that says “everything is gonna be allright” xD haha what a funny words for such a day!).
After coming back from the hospital I started drawing with the special pencils of my cute cow pencil-case. I took some pictures using my webcam~! Today I’m showing some of my drawings (not the confidential ones, so don’t worry and feel free to see them)! The image quality is horrible, but I think you can more or less see what's the drawing about...
This is my cute cow pencil-case. A friend from France gave it to me.

Here you have a pair of realistic drawings:

Manga style:

Today's drawings:

(I'm sorry, I still haven't finished this one..! but I do like it for personal reasons)

and here we are my cow and me again... xD

Well, now let me continue talking about my horrible day. If you want me to be sincere, my afternoon was pretty much better: I went to Rachel’s to watch the last episode of the famous Korean drama “Dream High”. This is not one of my favorite dramas, it’s is too much… surrealist. I couldn’t get into the story at all. I couldn’t believe some scenes because they were too much improbable to happen on real life.
My friend Rachel and I had a bet. I wanted the main character (a girl called Go Hye Mi) to love Jin Guk. My friend, however, wanted Go Hye Mi to love another boy called Song Sam Dong (the cutest actor of Dream High!).

At least (if you don’t want me to spoil you, jump to the next paragraph), I was the loser……. I didn’t want Sam Dong to love Hye Mi. I just wanted him to be free for me <3 Well, I can still dream on ^^
My favorite scene was the last one, when Go Hye Mi and Sam Dong kissed. Lucky Go Hye Mi! Both actors are so cute to me ~

Kisses, kisses kisseeeeeeeeeees
Keep in touch my followers! I'm leaving you with a pair of pictures that I took with Rachel this afternoon~~

2 comentarios:
Samdongah~ <3 xD
After that... I love your blog template~ ^^
I didn't know you have a blog ^^U
Now commenting...
Hate you! Don't be so pesimistic!
If life were perfect and mega happy always, at the end we would be tired of it! And when a little bad thing come to us because is inevitable, we will die of sadness. I don't think is good to be down so easily.
I know is unfair that sadness is more with us than happiness but it's because of sadness that we can feel happiness.
Why I'm always philosophical when I'm talking to you? LOL
I'm sorry if my comment disturbs you ^^U
About Dream High...
I thought she was going to end up with Jingook! But I loved her more with Samdong so I liked the end kkk
Yes, it's highly unrealistic but almost all dramas are xD
They only makes us feel that our life is crap and that love is so easy to be found.
But we like that.
We like dreaming, that's why reality hits us hard.
I'm going to shut up now. This is going to be uncomfortable to read later on =.=
Fighting! (^o^)/"
PS. I like the drawing of the old man! ^^
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